Royal Canin & Moi

Royal Canin & Moi app to help you take care of your cat or dog on a daily basis
- Create a profile of your animals to receive personalized advice for each, videos and nutritional recommendations tailored to their age and specificities
- Be informed of food changes at each new stage of their life, and find the recommended daily amounts according to their age and weight
- Discover all the advice on their health, their care, their behavior to promote their well-being
- Find specialist stores, veterinarians, dog clubs or groomers near you
- Benefit from personalized refund offers with a refund directly to your bank account
- Receive and participate in the various offers, games and contests offered by Royal Canin
- For all puppy and / or kitten owners, exclusive access to the Puppy Guide and Kitten Guide
- Find the list of online resellers in one click